How Video Storytelling Is Used In Social Media Marketing

Storytelling videos used in social media marketing Do you watch or share videos on social media?

Are you struggling to find ways to connect with your audience?

In this new era, there has been a rise in visual storytelling on popular social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Video storytelling sparks social engagement, generates social sharing, and produces meaningful opportunities. Telling stories with videos also allows brands to deliver positive experiences that enhance brand loyalty, trust, and awareness.

Here are six different ways to implement successful storytelling videos in your social media marketing:

1. Show Viewers How To Do Something
Some people are visual learners. By creating “how-to” videos, you can show your audience how to do something step by step rather than just telling them. Your videos can also demonstrate various tools required to complete a specific task. This is a powerful way to engage your viewers and capture their attention.

The Home Depot, for example, was one of the first companies to film project-related stories from start to finish. These videos were shot from the customer’s point of view, which inspired many viewers.

The film below features a Home Depot customer named Caitlin who shares her story about how to build an outdoor fire pit area.

2. Develop A Fictional Series
Creating a fictional series is another way to grab your audiences’ attention while promoting your brand.  For example, #missadventure is a fictional video series produced by Kate Spade New York. The fictional series was previewed on it’s own personal website and also spread through various social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. The storyline, featuring Anna Kendrick, is about a character’s misadventures around a ritzy hotel. The series incorporates product placement such as handbags and accessories all designed by Kate Spade.

While you are entertaining your audience, you are also creating brand awareness. Keep in mind that you don’t need to hire famous people to create a fictional series, however it does help to have a decent actor.

3. Create Documentary-Style Videos
Documentary-style videos are used to implement visual storytelling in your social media marketing. Whether it’s a series of true stories, or just a short documentary video, make sure these videos are about something that is relevant and correspond with the interests of your audience. These videos can also highlight humorous situations within your business or industry.

For example, Chipotle filmed a documentary film series called “Being Homegrown,” which features Harry Shipp, a well-known Major League Soccer Player. This video gives viewers an inside peak at the tension and excitement that revolves around Major League Soccer.

4. Repost Video Stories From Your Customers
A great way to engage your audience is to repost their stories. Videos from your customers can be interesting and engaging, and it allows your customers and prospects to connect with one another emotionally.

5. Recorded Interviews
An easy and cheap way to engage your guest is showing an interview or video podcast. This is an effective way to capture stories from customers or industry thought leaders. Watch this video of Alex Blumberg to learn more about the power of your podcast with storytelling.

6. Personalize your Stories
In order to build long-term relationships with your customers you need to be personable. Videos that tell your personal story can help create loyal and long-term customers. Personal story telling is an easy and great way to connect with your viewers. Whether you are teaching or telling your audience important features about your brand make sure you are making it interesting and personal.


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