Mobile Ad Tech Company Unifies App Advertising In One Proprietary Platform

App Life Unifies App Advertising


Last week during AppLift – a mobile ad tech company – hosted their annual FirstScreen Conference in Berlin at the Kino International film theatre. The FirstScreen Conference is a place where mobile industry leaders come together and discuss new and innovative ideas. During the conference, AppLift announced the launch of DataLift 360, the first platform that unifies app advertising across the entire app lifecycle. In other words, DataLift 360, will be able to track advertisements from any application’s launch point to growth and retention. The platform provides one unique access point, making it more efficient for mobile app marketers than ever before.

What this means for mobile apps:

Mobile applications may use DataLift 360 to control entire mobile supply sources such as RTB exchanges, social channels, direct publishers, and all categories of networks, in one single proprietary technology platform. Whether mobile apps are using banner, interstitial, native, video, or rich media ads, DataLift 360 supports it.

During the conference, CEO and Co-founder of AppLift, Tim Koschella shares how DataLift360 simplifies advertising so that advertisers can gain a maximum ROI on their ads. “As consumers engage with a variety of apps and mobile websites, the path to app profitability becomes exceedingly difficult for marketers to navigate,” he said. Tim went on to say, “Advertisers need to understand how to effectively reach their target audiences to gain maximum ROI. DataLift 360 simplifies this process by providing unified access to mobile inventory through an advertising platform tailored to each stage of the app marketing lifecycle.”

With DataLift 360’s audience management tool, marketers will be able to better acquire targeted users across any inventory. For marketers looking to grow or retain customers, they can leverage data to retarget them across programmatic exchanges, social and audience-enabled networks. Using DataLife 360’s proprietary bidding algorithms, scalable infrastructure, and more, mobile marketers will have the ability to achieve maximum benefit for their ads.


AppLift is planning to roll out DataLift 360 to the public this fall or winter 2016.

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