YouTube is Changing the Game for Marketers

What started as a home for epic fails, cats, and random songs about anything and everything, YouTube has definitely grown into quite the resource in its 12 years of life. Now we have how-to videos, vlogs, tv shows, and even more cat videos being watched by over one billion active users. We’ve all been sucked into the infinite loop of video after video, but very little people see the value of YouTube from a marketing perspective.

With Cisco projecting that 80% of all internet traffic will come from videos in 2019 and 4x as many consumers preferring to watch a video over reading about a product, it’s time to start looking at YouTube as more of a marketing asset instead of just a viral video platform.

Optimizing wherever you can is essential, but it’s not exactly about keywords or sacrificing quality for optimization. Here are some tips to optimize your videos to be in the top search results for Google and YouTube:

  • Optimize titles like blog posts – In YouTube, you have 70 characters to utilize before its cut off in a Google search. If there are keywords, utilize them in your title.
  • Also optimize your descriptions – You have 5,000 characters to work with. Take advantage of utilizing keywords, including links that lead back to your website, and/or a Call-to-Action.
  • Let your videos match your brand identity – Whether it’s thumbnails or including funny wits with keywords, videos with the most interesting thumbnail and/or title will get clicked on first. Make sure it matches your brand to stay recognizable within searches.
  • Think about your video tags – While no one can see them publically, these are keyword opportunities to help optimize your video
  • Invest in writing out transcripts & CC – Google crawls transcripts and closed captions on YouTube videos if they’re written and uploaded manually. This is a major SEO opportunity, but make sure that they keywords are also spoken in the video.

The key with marketing is to be proactive, not reactive. With video increasing in popularity day by day, this may soon be the primary way we advertise to buyers through original content or even influencers. It is clear that video is here to stay, so why not take advantage of it?

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