Timing is Key For Video Advertisements

ClockEverybody has heard at least once in their lifetime that timing is key. Whether it be in a relationship or in a business endeavor, timing is one of the main contributors towards gaining success. But, how does one really know if they’ve nailed the ideal timing? Well truth is, they typically don’t. That’s not to say that timing isn’t thought about and strategized, but at the end of the day, some things are left up to chance.

For example, in Tylenol’s ad campaign, “How We Family,” advertisers took a risk by releasing an ad campaign highlighting same-sex couples just weeks before Congress voted on gay marital rights. While Tylenol advertisers may have predicted the ruling in favor of same-sex couples, there was really no way for marketers to know which way things would turn out. Tylenol timed it perfectly. They were not deemed a “follower” or a “safe” player, but rather a trendsetter.

Video Clip ArtHowever, it isn’t just the timing of when an ad is released that is important. Studies have found that the length of an advertisement can play a determining role in how successful a campaign will be. Nowadays, video content is found on almost every single social media platform. This makes things increasingly harder for advertisers because people no longer watch every single video they come across.

Consumers are starting to expect more from video advertisements, in a much shorter amount of time. Marketers only have ten seconds to grab the viewer’s attention before they continue scrolling through their newsfeed. Without a brilliant hook, a brand’s advertisements simply will not be seen.

It’s time for brands to face these facts. Unless advertisers can figure out exactly what will captivate their consumer in under a minute, their advertisement will not generate the type of leads they were looking for.

As we said earlier, advertising campaigns can be a gamble, especially when video content is involved. This isn’t meant to scare marketers away from video content, but rather encourage them to perform detailed market research and analysis. Get to know your target audience, and create a lasting relationship with your consumers through your advertisements. Video content can be one of the most powerful advertising outlets when done correctly, and more times than not, the risk will pay off.

Here’s a taste of Budweiser’s successful Super Bowl commercial as an example:

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