The year is quickly winding down, so it’s time for the ever present “best of 2013” lists. Of course, we couldn’t resist Fast Co.Create’s list of the best viral videos of 2013.
Viral videos have morphed from small, isolated fad to widespread mass entertainment. Thanks to social media, funny, inspiring, or simply interesting videos can go viral quickly, and spread to a worldwide audience. Of course, usually the videos that go viral are just plain funny, and you feel like your Facebook friends just have to see it.
So, without further ado, here are the top viral videos of 2013 (yes, most of them are funny).
Ylvis “What Does The Fox Say?”
It seems unlikely that a Norwegian comedy duo would become the next international sensation, but that’s just what happened this year. Brothers Vegard and Bard Ylvisaker took the Internet by storm with their spoof on cheesy R&B dance hits. Spoiler: a small forest animal features prominently.
Jimmy Kimmel “Worst Twerk Fail Ever”
If you haven’t at least heard about this video, you must have been hiding under an Internet rock. Jimmy Kimmel featured a video showing a girl “twerking” and then, tragically, ending up with her, um, behind on fire. But, of course, the real story here is that it was a prank…that we all fell for. Touché, Jimmy.
Channing Tatum “Epic Split”
A Swedish carmaker made possibly the cheesiest (yet most epic) commercial ever, featuring two speeding trucks, a sunset, Enya music, and the Muscles from Brussels. Actor Channing Tatum saw the commercial and decided to make an epic ad of his own. He was quick about it, so he was able to ride the coattails of the original ad. Plus, it was so funny that it was just a hit by itself.
Marina Shifrin “An Interpretive Dance for My Boss Set to Kanye West’s Gone”
We’ve all had that job that we’re just dying to quit. We’ve all fantasized dozens of quitting. Marina Shifrin fulfilled our wildest fantasies so we could live vicariously through someone else’s quitting story. She made a video for her boss quitting her unfulfilling but demanding job. And we all cheered when she did.
“Harlem Shake”
I mean, really. You’d have to be hiding under a REALLY big rock not to have heard about the Harlem Shake. The original video was posted on February 2, and by the end of February there were 12,000 different versions that garnered a total of 44 million views.
Amanda Leroux “Baby Cries When Mom Sings”
We all love a good baby video (see: “Charlie Bit My Finger”). When that baby is crying in because something is sop beautiful, well, that’s irresistible. This baby gets pretty choked up when her mom sings her a song, but not because she hates mom’s voice. No, she is so clearly overwhelmed by the song. It’s pretty amazing cute (and heartwrenching).
Steve Kardynal “Wrecking Ball Chatroulette”
Love her or hate her, Miley Cyrus has got game. Her “Wrecking Ball” video has 415 million views. But this cover from Steve Kardynal using Chatroulette is mesmerizing (and equally terrifying). It’s like a train wreck. You just can’t look away.
Goats Yelling Like Humans
Okay, we’ll admit it. We spent some time one afternoon this year just watching videos of goats yelling like humans. Why is this so funny? We’re not sure. But it really, really is.
Bad Lip Reading “The NFL”
Professional football takes itself pretty seriously, as does its fans. So it’s always nice to see football made into a bit of a joke. You have to love this bad lip reading, because it really is so good. And giggle inducing.
Carrie “Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise”
Creative marketing for movies is becoming more and more popular (think Ron Burgundy’s epic marketing tour to promote Anchorman 2). To promote the new remake of Stephen King’s Carrie, the film’s special effects team hired actors and rigged up wires, remote control furniture to make some customers coffee shop experience memorable.
Want to see more? Check out the Fast Co article here: