This past week, business owners received promising news on Facebook’s advertising and social features. Facebook plans to roll out new features for business pages, advertising on mobile, video optimization, and brand awareness optimization tools. After multiple announcements that have catered towards Facebook’s user experience, business owners should be very, very excited with these updates.



As mobile-first behavior is becoming more and more prominent for consumers, business owners are looking to create a better user experience by making their information mobile-friendly. As a result, Facebook has enhanced mobile aesthetics for their advertising tool that will include larger call-to-action buttons such as “Call Now,” Business Owners Rejoice, Facebook is Still on Your Side“Send Message,” and “Contact Us.” This is very similar to Google’s free Call Out Extension feature on Google Ad Words that will make it easier for users to find what they are searching for.


Enhanced Business Pages

Facebook is also rolling out enhanced features for their business pages. Like their mobile update, they will also make call-to-action buttons, located under the Page’s cover photo, to “pop” more. They have also added two sections to their business pages that focus on products and services, creating more of a Yelp feel, rather than a social platform. This will be great for new businesses looking to gain an online presence but do not necessarily have the budget and resources to build out their own website. For existing business owners, this eliminates unnecessary steps for users to gain access to your information across all devices, without leaving the Facebook platform.


TRP Buying

By definition, TRP Buying (Target Rating Points) is a specific consumer audience within a gross rating point, which has been a key metric for TV ad measurement since the 1950s. The goal is to use Facebook’s partnership with Nielsen’s Digital Ad Ratings measurement system to see how well video ads perform in conjunction with TV spots. Business owners can now create a campaign across TV and Facebook to both reach large audiences and build brand awareness with the total TRP target in mind.


Here are a few additional features that Facebook plan to implement:

  • Like the photo carousel feature that Facebook rolled out last year, this will now be the same for videos. This will make it easier for users to swipe through different pieces of video content.
  • Facebook’s new brand awareness optimization tool will help business owners find consumer segments that are most likely to recall ads. In other words, readers will have the ability to remember, strictly from memory, an ad that they have seen in the past.
  • Facebook is partnering with Millward Brown Digital to let businesses conduct mobile polling campaigns. Business will also be able to measure changes in brand metrics from their campaigns as polling relies on experimental design methodology.

Last but definitely not least, Facebook announced that they are looking to add a feature that is similar to the dislike button that many users have requested for years. Founder, Mark Zuckerburg, stated that the dislike button is still up in the air; however, that they want users to “have the ability to express empathy rather than rampant negativity.” We’re just about excited as everyone else to see what Facebook comes up with.

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